Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Letter to Manuel Morato

Goodday  Sir,
   For the past years  I've learned that you are concerned  about our country, and  that's  give  me courage now to write this letter.
  I have scientific studies which I certainly know will give  honor  to the Philippines in the entire world. like to Galileo Galilie's  and albert Einstein's, these, however, are not conventional. these will affect the conventional explanations about the origin of the galaxies, the atomic theory, and the unified field theory, because  I've  rediscovered some facts about black holes, galaxies, and atoms, which  may someday  will exchange  the contents of our scioence books (textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.) from theories to facts. at our surprice, the facts about those scioentific matters amy lead to the proof of the existence of God the Creator.
    My purpose in writing this letter is to ask those who have kind heart to help -not me but- those scientific  discoveries to be known in the world by publishing  them imn booklet or book. I am willing to be quoted  with those articles for the sake of making known to the world that in this country scientific srtudies and god can be both learned.
      We will live once on this planet   earth, but to be a part of a scientific history   for the glory  of God  is one in a trillion.
      God bless you and touch you to consider this letter.
                                                                                               Allan Poe B. Redoña

                                                             Stretching    Heavens

    from these radio maps of the same area of heaven we can ascertain that an explosion causes the queone  0957+5  or heavens   to be  stretched out in  space, producing the fraggments  (quasars   &  galaxeones).

    The galaxeone will soon give birth to a guasar by ejecting  it from  the galactic bosom, elaving a dark womb (known   as black hole).

    we can see how stars are formed from the fragments of the stretching galaxy as its daughter (guasar) is spinning away the mother galaxy. but before the taking of the photographs of these stretching heavens, the Bible from  3000 years ago has already mentioning about it, thus:
          "  But  the LORD    is the true God, he  is the living God, and an everlasting king: ...He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath  stretched oput the heavens by his  discretion  "               -   Jeremiah   10:10,12  (KJV)

                          Factuial Black Holes

Galactic black Hole    is dark womb in every galaxy, that gave birth  to its daughetr-galaxies. an example of black galactic hole is in the galaxy   NGC 4261  below:

Nebular Black Hole    is a dark field produced in an exploded nebulareone (or supernoveone) as the nebulareonic star's portion is  strongly evacuated.   Horsehead   Nebula   is a good   example of this balck hole.

Photospheric Black hole   is  black hole  manifesting in the photospher of the Sun (or a star)  and it is much well known as sunspot.

        Mythical Black Hole  of the conventional astronomers  is believed to be
* a hole which is not a hole,
*  a black hole that is a star,
*black hole is an object where which light cannot escape from it,
*mini-black hole that could be zillion times tinier than the tip of a needle or atom's nucleus and yet billion tons in weight.