Letter that Will Change the World of Astronomy
From: Allan Poe Bona Redoña
Taguig City , Republic of the Philippines
To: retired Marine Corps Major General Charles Frank Bolden, Jr.
Office of the NASA’s Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington DC , USA 20546-001
A galaxeone or mother-galaxy may become unstable if its certain internal magnetic field is trapped in by the forming metallic plasmic shell, in between of the core of microwave and/or gamma rays. The tendency of this condition is to disgorge or vomit the most unstable part, usually the central core of the mother-galaxy. From the galactic abdomen, the moving away core will become a guasar (i.e., galactic quasar) or two. If dissociated, the guasars may move parallel or at perpendicular to each other. The ejected core (which became a guasar or two) will leave a dark womb (well known ” black hole” ) and cry a loud radiation of radio, X-ray & gamma rays.
The guasar will tend to spin and fragment or explode, forming into a daughter galaxy or two, giving birth to the fragments as variously colored stars, some of which are traceable in the galactic umbilical path. The color of a star in that umbilical trace is an indicator of energy utilization: the lower the frequency (like red, brown, and dark brown), the more energy is being utilized from that star; or the higher the frequency (like yellow, blue, purple), the lesser the expended energy. The mother & daughter Antennae Galaxies are a good example of this energy utilization. NGC 5195 is a good example of a daughter galaxy, moving behind its mother Whirlpool (M 51) Galaxy. Nevertheless, mother-galaxies giving birth to guasars or daughters are common in the Universe.
For additional information, search “ Quasmospectrum “ or “ Allan Poe Bona Redona most wanted profile “ in Google.com or Yahoo.

MC2 1635+119 galaxy,ejecting a guasar
Our obligation to Science community:
Share the Knowledge
Allan Poe B. Redoña
Images :
galaxy MC2 1635+119 giving birth to a guasar - NASA,ESA, & G. Canalizo (University of California, Riverside)
M87 galaxy giving birth - Dr. Jean Lorre/Science Photo Library
Centaurus A - Hardcastle et al. 2007 CfA, CXC. NASA
Antennae Galaxies - NASA/ESA & HHT (STScl/AURA) /Hubble Coloraboration
M51 & NGC 5195 - DOLoRes, INAF TNG
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To: retired Marine Corps Major General Charles Frank Bolden, Jr.
Office of the NASA’s Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington DC , USA 20546-001
Galactic Progression
This is how does a galaxy evolve
(by Allan Poe B. Redoña)
A galaxeone or mother-galaxy may become unstable if its certain internal magnetic field is trapped in by the forming metallic plasmic shell, in between of the core of microwave and/or gamma rays. The tendency of this condition is to disgorge or vomit the most unstable part, usually the central core of the mother-galaxy. From the galactic abdomen, the moving away core will become a guasar (i.e., galactic quasar) or two. If dissociated, the guasars may move parallel or at perpendicular to each other. The ejected core (which became a guasar or two) will leave a dark womb (well known ” black hole” ) and cry a loud radiation of radio, X-ray & gamma rays.
The guasar will tend to spin and fragment or explode, forming into a daughter galaxy or two, giving birth to the fragments as variously colored stars, some of which are traceable in the galactic umbilical path. The color of a star in that umbilical trace is an indicator of energy utilization: the lower the frequency (like red, brown, and dark brown), the more energy is being utilized from that star; or the higher the frequency (like yellow, blue, purple), the lesser the expended energy. The mother & daughter Antennae Galaxies are a good example of this energy utilization. NGC 5195 is a good example of a daughter galaxy, moving behind its mother Whirlpool (M 51) Galaxy. Nevertheless, mother-galaxies giving birth to guasars or daughters are common in the Universe.
For additional information, search “ Quasmospectrum “ or “ Allan Poe Bona Redona most wanted profile “ in Google.com or Yahoo.
MC2 1635+119 galaxy,ejecting a guasar
Galaxy Centaurus A, vomiting
mother Galaxy M 51 & daughter galaxy NGC 5195
Our obligation to Science community:
Share the Knowledge
Allan Poe B. Redoña
Images :
galaxy MC2 1635+119 giving birth to a guasar - NASA,ESA, & G. Canalizo (University of California, Riverside)
M87 galaxy giving birth - Dr. Jean Lorre/Science Photo Library
Centaurus A - Hardcastle et al. 2007 CfA, CXC. NASA
Antennae Galaxies - NASA/ESA & HHT (STScl/AURA) /Hubble Coloraboration
M51 & NGC 5195 - DOLoRes, INAF TNG
the daughter will spin backward
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