Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Science is Knowledge

(Image Credit:  Oscar Custance/Osaka University research team)
Science from a middle French word derived from Latin  scientia, with a root-word  sciens  (having knowledge), which came from  the present participle  of  scire  (to know).
   "Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science ,..."                                                   -   Daniel  1:4   (K J V )

    Science, in its short definition, means  KNOWLEDGE.  It is  a system of knowledge operating with the general laws obtained and tested  by scientific method  concerned with the facts  taken from detectable  world  directly  or  indirectly  by its phenomena.
  Science (knowledge)  is truth, fact, test,  or detection  biased. It leads  to certainty. If this kind of science we uphold, then science our science is boundary leading to a question:  What is the absolute source of knowledge?
    Science  leads us to know (certainty)  and not to hide (as in uncertainty or mysticism).
   The absolute constitution  of all matter are the photons, particles of light, and therefore,
        "...whatsoever   does  make  manifest   is   light  "    -   Ephesians  5:13
       "  I  form  the  light, and create darkness:  I make  peace,   and  create   calamity :  I   the YHWH
(Causer-of-Existence)  do  all  these  things  "                  - Isaiah  45:7
       "... God  is  light ,  and  in  Him  is no darkness at all "         - I John 1:5

  It is logical to think and to happen  that the light we can see is come from a Light (the absolute Source).
Comparing:     light  from Light versus  light  from  nothingness.

    Now, which is truly scientific :  the light from  a Light (of the Scriptures)  or  the light from  nothingness (of the Uncertainty) ?
   In the first place, can we call it science  if uncertained (mystery  or cannot be known)?  where, in fact, science may mean  'known'  or  'knowable'.
    The mysticism  of so-called priests  and the uncertainty of so-called  scientists are actually the greatest way to excuse to dig more  the truth or fact.
    We cannot avoid the truth that the effect (Natural Law)  has an absolute Causer (the Lawgiver).
   Beyond  cause & effect  is not a science  but mysticism.

   "For  His invisible things  from the creation  of the cosmos  are clearly seen, beeing understood by the things  that are made, even  His  eternal power  and Godhead :  so that they are without excuse "
   -  Romans 1:20
   Without  understanding (knowing) the absolute constitution of matter (made things), it is impossible  for our mind to clearly see the eternal power and Godhead of the Absolute Causer. Therefore, with science we cannot avoid to see clearly the eternal power and Godhead. Simply because the absolute constitution of all matter are powerful and NOT powerless (nothingness). And power is a work (energy) per second. And energy  is force (weight) times length (distance).

    " ... for  the  YHWH  is  a  God  of  science ,  and  by Him  actions are  weighed "   - I Samuel 2:3

Actions  are weighed.
   "... weights... are  His  work "                  -   Proverbs 16:11

Weight  is  a  "work"  of the Causer-of-Existnce.  Work  is a lengthening weight (force).  Is the vacuum nowhere of nothingness  can  produce  work, force or power ?

                 Energy      =        Force                 x                     Length       '

                     W                       F                                                L         
                 ( work )     =      (weight)              x                   (distance)  

                       weight      =    mass        x       acceleration   g               

Weight is the force (F) with which gravity acts on a body, and for obvious observation,   Work  is produced  of a  Worker (and   Not  of the  nothingness).
Nothingness  (of Uncertainty)  is not a worker, neither it can accelerate or decelerate light or matter.
   Now, who or what is the Absolute Worker ?
This is why proving the absolute powerful Causer (popularly called God)  is unavoidable effect (final result) of science (knowledge).
      Yes, we can hide (mystify) it to limit or even to stop science to go beyond the question "What is the Absolute Powerful Worker (Causer)?",  but  uncovering the vail of that uncertainty (mysticism), knowledge is still there!

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