Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Unified Field Discovered At Last (by Allan Poe Bona Redoña)

  • The Unified Field Discovered At Last (by Allan Poe Bona Redoña)

        The equation for the Unified Field was considered an ultimate question last 2nd Scientific Revolution.

                                                       The Ultimate  Questions
    When Albert Einstein died in 1955,...At his death he was trying to synthesize  the two in one set of equations, one  " Unified Field  Theory."  This problem still remains  unsolved-as do other cosmic questions...
                                                                                                     - Bergamini, David et al.
                                                                   The Universe Life Nature
                                                                   Library, p. 177. Time Inc.
                                                                                 New York, 1969 

        Einstein's Unified Field Theory  is  "a single theory to explain  gravitational and electromagnetic fields. He  devoted the rest of his life to this task  but was ultimately unsuccessful  in  his  quest"  (Physics Today  The World Book Encyclopedia of Science, p. 141, World Book, Inc., Chicago, 1987). He was in almost right tract, though it was incomplete, for the true Unified Field  is about the effects when the master tenderic entity stretches out at one direction yet exerts effects at various directions, so that those effects (electrostatic, magnetic, & gravitational) are originating from a common source and are differed by orientations or functions.
         A year &  half century after Einstein's death, the theoretical model for the Unified Field Entity was at last sketched out and another more than half decade this elusive model was known by an Emaciated man of the Philippine Islands in the far east. Allan Poe Bona Redoña's guideline was the message in 1Thessalonians 5:21. First, he had supposed that a planet-like charged subatomic particle was composed of magnetons in the northern, electrocargons in western, gravitons in left, and photons in right photenderons, magnetenderons, and electenderons, which he conceived when he saw a drawing of a Mobius strip. but this did not fit the explanation for the whereabouts of the quarks in proton. Redoña has tried many drawings and found out the consistency of the perpendicularity of magnetic and electric phenomena and the existence of photons & gravitons in conversion of protons or electrons. It is a fact that electron radiations can be converted into radiations of photons, hiding the Faraday magnetic, electric & gravitational properties of the former.  His diligent search for the knowledge was not completely interrupted by the shortcomings of papers & pen, for even on some strips of paper & old papers he could write and he had refilled his ball-pen by the residues of some old ballpens.
         The fastest velocity that an entity can attain is the speed of light, which at present has a value of 299 792 458 meters per second, and the entity which can move at this velocity is the tiniest thing - known as photon. Quantum  is a photon or a group of photons propagating at the speed of light. There are cases that a radiation of quanta can be decelerated, so that by retro-deduction, the possible fastest acceleration can be attained by a particle is the speed of light per second, which can be determined by the equation
                                                           = mc2 c / h , 

  • in which the tendency of the energy (E) to transform into mass (m)  is expressed  as  m c2 ,  so that      
                                                            a   =    E   c  /  h                                                                     
    the energy  is equivalent  to   c2  (or mass times  the  speed of light squared), in which the mass' possible fastest acceleration ( a )  is the speed of light  per second.
        By invoking the Newtonian relation and Planck's constant, we can know the possible gravitational radius of the lightest quantum (a photon) by the square root of  the followings:  G m / a ,    G m /( E c / h )G m / (mc3  /h) ,  G m h / m c3 ,     and G h / c3  , which every one is  =   ,

  • in which  G  is the Gravitational constant, m  is the mass-energy (in kilogram) of the photon,  a  is its fastest acceleration, E  is its energy-mass (in joule),  c   is the speed  of light, h  is the Planck's constant,  and   r  is the  lightest  quantum's  (or the photon's)  radius (in meter) well known as the  Planck length.
        It is now  clear that the Planck length is not the Schwarzschild radius but the lightest or energetically weakest quantum's radius. The weakest quantum is composed of one photon. If there is a weakest, then there is a heaviest quantum, which is calculated by
                                                       mp    =   squareroot ( h c / G ) ,                                                       
    where   mp    is the Planck  mass.                                                                                                        

    Heaviest  Subatomic  Particle
        Planck  mass  is the heaviest quantum when  converted into subatomic particle, if it is attracted by another  identical mass exerting   a  force  F  at   a   distance   d   :                                                                  
                         m p    =      squareroot  ( h c / G)      =      squareroot  (F  d2 / G )                              
    Absolute  Components  of  Subatomic  Particle
        Photons of quantum are the absolute contents rays  or electron rays  can be converted  into gamma rays, which are composed of photons. Therefore, electron  rays  are absolutely  made  up of beta  photons. Thus, a  beta  photon  can represent  a  photon.
    Photon's  Electric  Charge
       We can  calculate beta photon's electric charge by the equation

                                               beta-photon's electric charge =  E  e  /  Eβ ,     or

  • where  E   is the quantumic photon's energy-mass (6.626 068 96 x 10-34   joule),  e   is the ionic electron's electric charge constant (1.602 176 487 x 10-14  joule), Eβ  is the beta electron's energy-mass (in joule).
        The energetically weakest quantum, which is composed of one photon, has  λ  299 792 458 meters and has energy-mass of Planck's constant per second.
       With  Planck length  or photon's  radius  we can know  thew internal  magnetenderic flux density  of the  photon  by

  •   inwardly-magnetenderic-field (in tesla)  =  photon's momentum (in kg m/sec)  /photon's electric charge (in coulomb) x  photon's radius (in meter).
    The Sketched   of  the Unified   Field
        According  to Einstein's  famous equation  E = m c2 ,  the absolute  constitution  of matter   is energy ( E ).  The  formula has another  implication, it suggests  that the absolute constitution  of energy  is  but  c2  or constant  velocity squared.
        The meter squared ( m2  )  is easy  to visualize. How about  the constant velocity squared?
    Visualizing  it is important for our endeavor to know the configuration  of the Unified  Field.
       Our  clues  are  the  (1) constant  velocity, and (2) the two directions (i.e. square).
       The  two  direction of  square meter  are  up-down and, crosswise-ly, side-side.
       For velocity these directions  are (1) action, and (2) reaction. Therefore, if a strong force is  caused to act from center to west, perpendicular reactions will happen from east to center  and from north to south and these perpendicular dual reactions as one action in the  cc  happens  in mathematically represented
                                 μo  x εo  =  1 / c2 ,                                         
    where μ0 is the magnetic constant, εo  is the electric constant, and     is the speed of light.
       The equation  suggests that  in one action  on the absolute  constitution of the energy properties of space are created.
       In  our  condition  we can  perceive  c2   as   E/m   (energy over mass). This  has an implication that the properties  of space is but mass over energy.
                                               μo  x εo   =   m /  E                                                             
         The absolute  constitution of a mass, when decomposed, is but the energy (E). Energy  is the expenditure of mass in space properties ( μo  x ε).   And  energy  is   the pulse  of light ,  i.e.  a photon   or  a group  of photons.
           Photon  is  made  up  of  unified  electric   &   magnetic fields.
       The  internal magnetic  field  of  a  photon  is strongest, sucking  in northern portion  and  protruding  in  southern  part  and it bends  the electenderic  charge  of the west.
        Electendenric  field  is   1/2   magnetenderic field  bending  at the  velocity  of light  toward  and/or  away  the magnetenderic  pole.
         The  master  entity  has  a property  of dual-perpendicular  effects  when  stretches. The  master  entity   with  these  effects  (electenderic &  magnetenderic)  is what  we called photon.
        When  the western  portion of the master entity  is  stretched  outwardly, a  shallow  from northern toward  its  southern  part  exists.

  • The   western  stretches portion  is the negative electenderic charge, while  the  swallowing  portion  is the  north  magnetenderic  field

  • Two  crosswise  effects  exists, creating  the four directions. The third effect  is the  tension they form in their center which is gravitenderic.
         The  stretching  to the west  has  an  opposite effect:  the sipping  of the  eastern  part, which is identified  as positive  electenderic  charge.

        The swallowing northern part  has  an effect:  the protrusion  of southern part.

       The distance between the tenderic center and its edge is constant velocity ( c ) times Planck  time ( tp ). If magnetenderic field is barked up (1/2) and bent at the velocity  c  from  southern to eastern part, the result is electenderic field. Both magnetenderic and electenderic fields are active for internal or self configuration of the photon.
        Planck time ( tp )  is the time consumes as the tenderic field inside a photon -from center to edge- stretches at the speed of light ( c ) at a distance of Planck length, giving the radius ( r )  of the photon.

                                                a   =     G  m    /     r                                                       

         The  internal tension (igF) as the tenderic fields are curving or bending to from a system (i.e. photon)  is  possibly the strongest force, although  acting  at tenderic  distances (i.e. within the photon).

         igF  =   c     x      inwardly magnetenderic field      x     photon's electenderic charge

                                     Tenderic      System                                                                                               

       A single  photon is a tenderic system of the unified electric & magnetic fileds. A group  of  photon  undetected  to  Faraday  field  (or  traditionally, is electrically neutral)  is  a quantum.   In the tenderic system, the  coition (conjoining) of two opposite fileds  is the  force.
        The internally active  electric and  gravitenderic  forces   are much  stronger   than  externally  active  force.
    Photon  of quantum  is electrically  neutral  in  terms  of Faraday  force field  detection, but  electenderically  charged  in terms  of Rabistern  field  detection. Although  magnmet's  Faraday  field  cannot  detect  the  magnetism  of a  quantum, but  the atoms  of an  object can  detect  it.

          Photon of  quantum  has  electric  charges  and magnetic  field  but  those  are  effective  within  the  atomic  Rabistern  field  distances.
          Photon  is not  matter, nor it is an antimatter.
    However,  gamma photons can be  converted  into  beta  photons to construct  matter.
        A beta photon's  electric  charge  is approximately  1.296 689 x 10^-39  coulomb. It means  that  an electron  with energy-mass  8.187 104 382 37 x 10^-14  joule   is composed  of approximately   1.235 589 9 x 10^20  beta-photons, if  each  beta photon has an energy-mass  of  6.626 068 96 x 10^-34 joule. 

    Photonvolt  (beta photonvolt  or betonvolt)
       One photonvolt  is the energy required to drive an electron's beta photon through an electromotive force (potential difference) of 1 volt. It is equal to 1.296 689 451 256 754 664 x 10^-39 joule  as a kinetic energy for, example, radiating electron's beta photon or 1.296 689 x 10^-39  joule per coulomb, which is numeriacally identical  to the beta photon's  electric charge.

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